The Best Methods for Handling Manpower Shortage in Manufacturing

Manpower shortages in the manufacturing industry are a major concern today, and they may offer a significant challenge for individual businesses wanting to fill unfilled positions or grow their operations. Whereas in the past, firms would post job openings and applicants would turn up, today's HR departments may not have as many options. Qualified, skilled applicants may be more difficult to locate than in the past.


Existing Operations Should Be Automated

It is an excellent opportunity to conduct an assessment of factory's automation level. This is particularly true in the food industry, where increasing automation in jobs such as deboning, packaging, and shaping is becoming more frequent. Automatic data collecting and digital technology have also advanced significantly. Electronic sensors may now collect data straight from equipment and wirelessly interface with computers to power Smart Factory analytics. Increased productivity and automation can free up staff who can then be retrained for available positions elsewhere in the company.


Recruit Seniors, Veterans, and Disabled

Many highly skilled professionals retire in their 60s but continue to work. These people can be a huge source of talent for businesses looking for staff. There are numerous examples of businesses utilising retired folks to enhance existing employees. Many veterans come out of the employment with useful talents. Furthermore, veterans' work ethic, leadership skills, and drive to success make them excellent candidates for skilled professions. Veterans may be interested in jobs such as maintenance, supervision, or office work. Some positions allow for the hiring of people with disabilities. Working with local rehabilitation centres or state agencies might give a company with ready-trained employees with the necessary abilities to fill certain professions.

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Finding Qualified Workers in the Manufacturing Industry

Today's tight labour market appears to be part of a long-term trend that will be an issue of manufacturing industries for some time to come. To confront this issue, businesses must devise innovative methods of attracting, training, and retaining qualified workers. Those wishing to expand their workforce should start by searching within. Companies can liberate competent workers who can then be reassigned by improving production line efficiencies. This eliminates the need to hire new workers.


The recruitment industry is one of the most dynamic and fastest-evolving sectors of the global economy. With a vast demand for skilled manpower in Malaysia, it is essential for firms to have an experienced manpower recruitment agency to guide them with the strategic decisions. A well-established Malaysian manpower recruitment agency will provide you access to skilled workers for a variety of industries and occupations, from entry-level positions to high-level management roles. A manpower recruitment agency can be beneficial to any company as they provide a much efficient and time-saving service in the hiring process. In addition, it is much cheaper for employers to engage with a recruitment agency in the long term by reducing or eliminating the costs of the hiring process to themselves. 

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